Using Google Docs For Shared Vision

During our Learning Theory on-line class our professor put us into break out writing groups. Using the articles, we had to craft a vision statement using the various learning theories we are studying.  Writing with four peers simultaneously during a web class was powerful. We were forced to process longer and exhibit patience as only one voice can be heard at a time.  Leaders emerged, however, we all participated, and the end product was indeed a collaborative effort. I learned a ton about Heutagogy and how it applies to my own leadership   because this activity celebrated “knowledge sharing” instead of “knowledge hoarding”. I will absolutely use Google Docs as a tool to foster self-directed or in this case group-directed  learning hubs in the future with scaffolding support built in through strategic peer placements.

Our results our below.

As school leaders preparing to engage faculty in professional learning, all learning styles and differences should be acknowledged from the beginning. The acknowledgement of these
learning styles and differences should enable staff to advocate for themselves and their own learning throughout the process. In addition, we will enable self-directed learners to have all of their voices heard through the use of collaboration and technology
which can give “greater transparency and offer support” to learners in a variety of settings. As technology is used to connect learners (both faculty and leaders), “knowledge sharing” occurs rather than “knowledge hoarding”. Throughout this process of knowledge sharing, we will be mindful of the notion of double loop learning that allows for reflection on current theories and practices. It is key to acknowledge that staff can learn as much from students and that students can teach each other.  We need to continue to evolve and remain open minded to new research presented about the changing and developing theories of learning.  As a leader, it is essential to model the mindset of a lifelong learner.

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I love learning! I'm in a leadership program at UCONN called UCAPP. I teach 6th grade science at Haddam-Killingworth Middle School in Killingworth, CT. I am excited to grow as a teacher and as a leader.

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